
Please read them, love them, worship them.

1. You must be a fan of the relationship between Tachibana Kippei, Kamio Akira andIbu Shinji in some form - whether friends, teammates or a dirty threesome in the lockerroom..

2. You MUST provide a name, a WORKING email address, and the country you're from. Otherwise I can't add you. Also, please refrain from using names like "Shinji's Gurl", or anything with numbers in it. If your name has numbers it will be shortened, if you have a silly name and I can't make something sensible out of your email address, you will be listed as 'Some Fan'.

3. If you have a website, please use one of the graphic links or a text link back to the listing. You may also make your own graphic or text link. If you do, feel free to use the code donation form on the codes page and I'll add it asap :) Do NOT direct link my codes.

4. If any of your information changes, (name, email, website url, country, whatever), please use the update form and let me know so I can update the page accordingly.

5. And I probably should stress this. If you have a site that has adult content on it (Yaoi fanfiction, etc), please, Please, PLEASE make sure everything is marked properly. If you do and have no warnings, your site will not be linked on the members page. Myspace/Facebook (or any simliar site), forums and newsgroups (msn groups, yahoo groups) etc, will not be added to the list. If you are linking to your livejournal/deadjournal/whatever, please have the code either on your profile, somewhere in your layout sidebar (assuming you have a paid/plus account and can make your own layouts), or in an easily findable public post. Thanks.